¡Kosmoparty time!

Here comes the Bergfest! We managed to get to the mountain’s top, that is halfway through the experiment. So it's prime time to celebrate the humpback day. Much to my housemates’ and my delight, we – Rokhya, Nico, Sahed, and I – ended up having the honour of hosting this joyful event which gives me a great deal of pleasure and responsibility at the same time. Oh! Sorry I need to stop now - the doorbell is ringing and I haven't even changed yet! Uh! No worries, it is our kind torchbearer with loads of drinks and nibbles for the party. I am totally stressed out at this point, I might go all fingers and thumbs, but thank God Rokhya is always standing there for help with her graceful patience.
All right, now everything is ready! But my sandals! Diiiiiiing!
You never forget first comers. They tend to be well-organized and as good as their words. Here comes Kai, respectful, communicative and as I expected organised – he hasn’t forgotten to bring his glass. Markel comes next with his polite behaviour and calm smile as well as a very delicious home made cake. I let out a cry of relief since not having sweet stuff after the meal is a real anti-climax. Javier also makes it within some minutes with his tortillas and traditional bread. They smell great! He is so nice and welcoming. Another diiiiiiing and the party owner arrives! So I feel relaxed now. People are coming and it's getting more crowded and party-like. Andrea comes with her kind and ever smiling face. I am sure her Tiramisu will be gone like hot cakes. Moritz and Marcello, peppa pig cake! Oh, our dessert couldn't have been better. Now most of us are here and ready to celebrate. The divers – Pete, Micha, Felix – Victoria, Joaquin, Sidney, Mirian, Alba, Malte, Claudia, Natalie, Clara, Lena, Carsten, Mira and Mari, the underwater camera team Jan, Veit and Anton, and Leila with her very nice white gown, well-suited to our party. Just where is the fish larval team? It seems that destiny is carried over. In common with their fish larvae Catriona, Micha, Nico and Silvan happen to be the last ones to be introduced even to kosmoparty! The last, but by no means the least.
The party was a great success and it gave all of us a sense of belonging to a greater successful community, boosting our motivation and commitment. This sense of belonging and proximity allows us to feel like we can be our authentic selves while being a part of a supported group and striving for a common aim. This must be it - the KOSMOS spirit.