Ready, steady, go!

Eighteen months of planning, organizing, ordering, designing, building, packing, shipping, unpacking, assembling, setting-up, more planning and organizing ... have finally led us were we now stand. At the start of a unique, exciting, and hopefully enlightening experiment. We aim to test the feasibility and effectiveness of artificial upwelling in raising fish production. Aside from this key question of Ocean artUp we expect to learn a great deal about how pelagic ecosystems function, who benefits from the supply of nutrient-rich deep water, what controls the trophic transfer, how are the essential elements channelled through the ecosystem?
But before we get there it’s weeks of hard work. Today was day 1 of 57 in this experiment, provided everything goes according to plan. It was a day full of challenges and it all took much longer than intended. But that’s quite normal for a venture of this scale and complexity. Give it a week or two and everything will run like clockwork. ☺ Well, maybe not quite. But we will try our best.